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The Big Trip

The Big Trip


A Tale of Awakening told through the brutally honest adventures of a 22-year old Self-Proclaimed Yogi Master


Have you ever touched the edge of madness?


I have.


I rubbed right up on the fringes of it.


I seemed set for a fairly 'normal' life until, at the age of 17, my brain fragmented into divinely tragic bliss.


The Doctor's called it Psychosis,

I call it The Big Trip.


Here's the story of when it all began, what happened during The Big Trip and how I awoke to my creative potential in the aftermath.


It's my prayer that my story inspires you to transform your most painful challenges into delightful creations.

And may there be some laughs along the way!!!


Awakening. Noun. An act or moment of becoming suddenly aware of something. A rousing of something. Teehee.

This is the story of how Tom Leiby became JotePrakashSingh...


249 pages.

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